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Primary 3 - 15/6/20 PM

Good afternoon everyone,

Here are some tasks for you to try this afternoon.

Topic – Food and Farming

Listen to the radio broadcast, ‘Down on the Farm,’ and see if you can find the answers to the questions.  Write the answers as sentences in your jotter, remembering capital letters and full stops.

Listen to the ‘Summer’ programme here:

Answer these questions:


Can you think of 3 more facts that you have learned from the programme?  Write these in your jotter too and draw a picture to go with them.


Do you know the well-known story of the Tortoise and the Hare?  If not, you can read it here:  Tortoise and the Hare Story

Now, watch it in French and see if you can identify any vocabulary (words):

Can you find things that are the same and things that are different between the two versions of the story?  Discuss these with someone in your house or write them down in your jotter.


Have a lovely afternoon, remember to email us if you have any questions or to send us some pictures of your work:

Mrs Harding

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