Primary 3 Activities 11.06.20
Good morning
Today we are going to explore superpowers and have some fun with the Incredibles!
I hope you enjoyed yesterdays story, today we are going to complete activities based on the story Commotion in the Ocean. Please listen to the story and then choose 3 activities to complete in your jotter.
Throughout the story, new sea creatures are introduced using short rhyming poems. Can you create your own poem for a sea creature of your choice?
There are many different types of sea creature in the story. Which of the sea creatures is your favourite, and why?
There are facts about each of the sea creatures hidden within the poems. Can you choose a sea creature from the story to research and make a fact file about it?
If you could have one of the sea creatures special features or skills for a day, what would you choose, and why? (for example would you have 8 arms or be able to swim underwater for a really long time?)
See if you can invent your own sea creature and then draw a picture of it. What features would it have? Would it have any special skills?
Mrs Docherty