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Primary 3 - 9/6/20 AM

Good morning everyone!

Maths – Position and Movement

This morning we are going to practise using grid references again to say where an object is.  (Here is the link from yesterday if you need a recap or missed it )

Can you make your own grid and place items on it?  You could make it inside or outside.  You can place any items you have in your house.

Here is an example of one I made in my garden.  I put toys in mine!

Once you have made it, can you ask and answer questions about where items are located with someone in your house?

For example:

  1. What is the grid reference for the ball?
  2. What is found at D3?

You can also have a go at Pirate Map Coordinates:


Literacy – Punctuation

BBC Bitesize has great daily lessons if you are looking for something different.

Have a go at this lesson on using exclamation marks – watch the video first, then complete the quiz and additional activities:

Let me know how you get on!

Comment here or send me an email at:

Mrs Harding

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