Primary 3 - 8/6/20 AM
Good morning everyone!
I hope you had a great weekend and were able to see some family and friends again. I saw my parents for the first time in 11 weeks and it was lovely to see them even though we had to keep 2 metres apart!
Literacy – Spelling
This morning, have a go at spelling some tricky words using these 3 spelling jobs:
- Choose 10 words that you need to practise spelling from your tricky word wall or list. Write them in your jotter and copy each word 3 times.
- Choose another spelling job and complete it in your jotter. (Remember it could be bubble writing, rainbow writing, pyramid writing, draw and label for example.)
- Sentences – write each word in a sentence, remembering capital letters and full stops.
Finally, have a go at some of the spelling games on Espresso. (These are free games so you shouldn’t need your log in details this time.)
Maths – Position and Movement
This morning, let’s practise using grid references to say where something is on a map.
- Have a look at this first and do the little quiz at the bottom of the webpage:
2. Find the animals at each grid reference and write down the answers in your jotter:
Remember you can email us questions or pictures of work to:
Mrs Harding