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Primary 1 Maths and cutting skills

Good afternoon boys and girls,


Today we would like you to focus on subtraction. This means you need to start with a number and you are going to take some away. Ask an adult at home to give you a question, here is one to get you started. Start with 7 and take 3 away. You need to go and collect 7 items and then take 3 of them away. How many are you left with? You should now only have 4.

Once you have practised a few of these using materials why not go onto sumdog where we have set you a challenge!


Why not try improving your fine motor skills this afternoon by practising your cutting skills. Get yourself a toilet roll tube or kitchen roll tube and give it some funky hair. Then get a pen and give it a face like below. Send us your picture once you are finished.

Have a lovely afternoon

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia


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