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Primary 3 - 2/6/20 AM

Hello everyone!

I hope you are well.  Remember the Spelling Sumdog challenge is on all week, and you can access lots of books at:

You should also be practising your tricky words each day.

Literacy – Grammar

Today we will be focusing on collective nouns.  We already know that a noun is a naming word – a collective noun is a special name for a group of nouns. e.g a swarm of bees.

  1. Read the powerpoint below and have a go at the quiz at the end.

Collective Nouns

2. In your jotter, choose a word in bold to go with each collective noun.

books        wolves            flowers             trees              sheep        cows

  1. a forest of ……………………..
  2. a herd of …………………….
  3. a bunch of …………………
  4. a flock of ……………………
  5. a pack of …………………….
  6. a library of …………………

3. Write in your jotter what you would expect to find in each of these groups (use information from the powerpoint to help with some):

  1. an army
  2. a crew
  3. a pride
  4. an orchestra
  5. a bouquet
  6. a gaggle

Maths – 3D Shape

Yesterday some of you explored the nets of 3D shapes.  Today, use what you know about the properties of 3D shapes to match the net to the shape.


match the nets

Using card from the art pack, try making another net of one of the 3D shapes.

Remember you can email us at:

Mrs Harding

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