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Primary 2 - Thursday 28th May

Good morning everyone. Hope you are all safe and well. Here are a few tasks for you to complete this morning.


Practice your handwriting of all the lower and upper case letters in your jotter. Remember to start in the correct place and keep your letters neat and tidy. See the picture below to help you.

How to help children distinguish a capital letter from a lower ...


We have also been working on nouns. Nouns are naming words. Watch this video to remind you


Try to make a list of all the nouns you can see in this picture of the beach in your jotter. Try to find as many as you can

People At The Beach Clipart



Practice writing your numbers. Ask an adult to say a number and you write it down . Get them to check it is correct. Try writing numbers from 0-10, 0-50, 0-100, 0-1000. Choose the numbers that you feel most confident in. If you get them all correct then try higher numbers. Try 2 digit, 3 digit and 4 digit numbers. Go even higher if you can.

Count forwards and backwards starting from different numbers. Try counting within 100, beyond 100 and 1000 if you can.

Continue to practice counting in twos, fives and tens starting from different numbers. Try forwards and backwards. Ask someone from your family to test you.

Here are some songs to help you

Mrs Reid

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