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Primary 2 - Morning

Good Morning!

Literacy – For Writing, watch the following video on how to make a Jam Sandwich. Then write instructions for how to make a sandwich in your jotter:

You can put in your own fillings. My favourite ingredients for a sandwich are cheese, tomato and cucumber.


  1. Include a Title
  2. Make a list of Equipment/Ingredients
  3. Write the steps in order
  4. Number each step and take a new line for each step
  5. Draw a picture for each step at the end

Now follow your Instructions with an adult and make your sandwich. Did you get the steps in order?

Send us a picture of your sandwich and writing:

Maths – Below is a link for the Mental Maths Train. You can choose to Add, Subtract, Multiply or Divide. Each cart on the train has different levels. Start on the Addition cart and challenge yourself. Why not try Subtraction next!


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