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Primary 2 - Tuesday 26th May

Good morning everyone. How are you today? Here are your tasks for this morning.


Today we will work on nouns. A noun is a naming word. Watch this video below to remind you about nouns

Once you have watched the video try to write 5 nouns that you can find in each room of your house. Try to find 5 nouns in your kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedroom, shed, garden etc. Here is an example

Bedroom – lamp, bed, mirror, carpet, curtains

Good luck



Continue to practice counting to 100 and beyond. Watch this video to help you

Ask a adult to say a number any number from 0-100. Start from the number they say and count forwards until they shout STOP!

Then, ask them to say another number from 0-100 and count backwards until they shout STOP!

Repeat as many times as you can manage.

100 square and number line | Teaching Resources

If this is too tricky – try numbers 0-20. If you need a challenge then try numbers to 1000 or beyond if you can.


Play this ordering and sequencing online game. You can choose the level that suits you. Remember to make it trickier if you can


Have fun! Mrs Reid.

Remember to send any photos or comments or questions to me at this email address

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