Primary 3 - 26/05/2020 AM
Good morning everyone!
I know some of you enjoyed the Go Noodle video yesterday morning so here is another one to wake you up!
Maths – 3D Shape
We have been revising 2D shape recently and today we will move on to 3D shape. That is three dimensional shape, or solid shapes. Solid shapes can be described using the words; face, edge and vertex (vertices if more than one).
Watch this video to remind yourself. (There is also some information on the webpage if you need it.)
Then log in to Education City ( where I have created some work for you on 3D shape. (P3 Maths – 3D Shape) Start with Solid Shapes (a learn screen) then move on to the other games.
Literacy – Grammar
You have done lots of work on adjectives (describing words). Today we will be practising opposite adjectives.
Copy and complete the adjectives so each one is matched with it’s opposite.
Now have a go at coming up with some of your own opposite adjectives for these words:
- cold
- loud
- wet
- tight
- old
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It has been so nice hearing from lots of you and seeing some of your work
Mrs Harding