Primary 1 Maths and Topic
Good afternoon boys and girls.
It has been lovely seeing the videos that some of you have sent in already about what you have enjoyed about Primary 1. Remember once you have made your video send it into our email
For maths remember to keep practising counting forwards and backwards. Here is a few songs you can join in with to help you count.
Once you have practised counting we would like you to do some ordering of numbers. You might start with numbers 0-10 or if your feeling confident you might try 0-20 or even beyond. Write the numbers down on square pieces of paper. Mix all the numbers up and then see if you can arrange them in the correct order. Once you have done it once why not see if you can do it faster. Here is an example
For our healthy eating topic today we would like you to speak to someone in your house and find out which foods taste sweet, salty or sour. Can you make an experiment and try some of these things? Which did you like best? Does everyone in your house like the same kinds of foods? What do you like that is the same or different?
Can you also talk to someone in your home about what is different about tinned food and fresh food. Are they both as healthy for you?
Email us your thoughts about sweet, sour and salty foods, which do you prefer?
Have a lovely afternoon
Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia