Primary 1 Maths/ JIGSAW
Good morning boys and girls!
For maths today try some counting forwards
and backwards
Then can you ask a grown up to say a number within 10 and using your hands throw them the number. Here is an example throw the number 8. I have 8 fingers thrown and 2 hidden.
For JIGSAW today can you draw a picture for each different time of the day showing JIGSAW Jack how you keep clean and healthy. I have posted the different times throughout the day to draw pictures for. You can do this in your jotter or on a piece of paper if you like. What things do you do in the morning to keep clean and healthy? Examples of things you might draw are – brushing your teeth, getting washed, getting ready, brushing your hair, having your breakfast and going to school.
Have a lovely weekend boys and girls. Remember it is the holiday weekend so we will see you back here again on Wednesday morning at 9am.
Keep yourself safe
Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia