Primary 1 Maths and Outdoor Learning
Good afternoon boys and girls.
I hope you are all well! Mrs Melia and I are missing seeing all your smiley faces!
For maths today we would like you to practise the days of the week. Practise saying them forwards, even try saying them backwards. Get an adult at home to tell you a day and you need to tell them the day after and the day before. You will have lots of fun!
Here is a video for you to sing along with to remind you of the days of the week.
Your going to get crafty this afternoon too! Today we would like you to collect natural materials from outside and make a picture (use twigs as a border). Here is an example. Once you have made your picture remember to send us it We love to see your hard work!
Have a lovely afternoon boys and girls.
Speak to you tomorrow
Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia