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Primary 1 Maths/Health and Wellbeing - JIGSAW

Good morning boys and girls

It’s Friday! I hope you have worked hard this week and are ready for a rest over the weekend. I know it is a bit strange doing your school work at home, Mrs Melia and I are finding it strange teaching you over this and not seeing all your smiley faces!

Today for maths can you see what you can find in your house that is a 3D shape. If you need to remind yourself of which shapes to look for and their names here is the video from yesterday.



JIGSAW Jack today would like you to help him learn how to cross the road safely.

Watch this first video to find out how to cross the road safely, maybe you can practise this in your garden by making a pretend pavement and road, or when you go out for your 1 hour daily exercise you can practise this.

Listen to this video and join in with the song to help you remember how to cross the road safely.

Who could you ask to help you if you didn’t feel safe crossing the road? Can you think who could help you? Draw a picture of you and someone who could help you cross the road so that JIGSAW Jack knows who to get help from.

Have a lovely weekend and see you all here again on Monday

Keep safe and keep washing your hands.

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

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