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P2 - Thursday 23rd April

Good morning everyone. Hope you are enjoying the lovely weather this week. Remember to put on sun cream and a hat when you are outside in the sun.


This morning log onto Sumdog and complete the Maths challenge that I have set for you. I will log on and see how you are getting on. Good Luck!

Remember to continue practice counting in 2s/5s/10s starting from different numbers on the 100 square. Trying counting forwards and backwards.

100 square and number line | Teaching Resources

Try up to 1000 and beyond if you can. Ask an adult to challenge you if possible. Keep working hard.



Continue to practice your tricky words on your word wall with a adult everyday. Try to spell the words on your word wall to. Make your words with playdoh/pasta/sand/pen/chalk outside etc.


We were learning about rhyming words. Watch these videos to remind you of some rhyming words. You can keep fit while you watch it


Now try to write in your jotter as many words that rhyme with

  1. dog
  2. cat
  3. bin

Try to think of words which have 4/5 letters that rhyme with these words too. Remember if words rhyme – the end of the words sound the same. Good Luck!

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