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Primary 2 - Tuesday 21st April


Good morning. This morning I would like you to log onto the Oxford Owls website to practice your reading. Here is the link

You can choose which book you would like to read. You can choose more than one if you can. Read your book to someone in your family. Try to create questions about the book you have just read. Think of a question for each of the following question words – who/what/where/why/when? Write your questions in your jotter.

02.10.15 Join Oxford Owls online



For Maths today, we will recap 3D shapes. Watch this video to remind you about the 3D shape names


Try to find objects around your house, in your garden or on your daily walk that are 3D shapes. Make a list of them in your jotter.


We learned about 3D shape properties in March. Watch this video to remind you


Find objects around your house that are 3D shapes – tins of beans/boxes of cereal/balls etc. Explain to someone in your family how many faces, corners and edges each of your chosen shapes have. Try to draw a picture of each of your shapes in your jotter and label them.

Remember to continue to pratice counting forwards and backwards to 100 and beyond starting with different numbers. Leave a comment and let me know how you are getting on. Mrs Reid

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