Parliament Poetry
Primary 7 have been learning about the values inscribed on the mace in the Scottish Parliament. We explored the meaning of the values and then worked together to create a poem:
At the Scottish Parliament, what do you see?
You see one hundred and twenty-nine MSPs
At the Scottish Parliament, what do you see?
MSPs helping people in need
At the Scottish Parliament, what do you see?
One hundred and twenty-nine MSPs looking at me.
At the Scottish Parliament, what do you see?
Compassionate and encouraging MSPs helping me.
Down at Holyrood, what do you see?
Nicola Sturgeon listening to me
Down at Holyrood, what do you see?
MSPs making decisions about me
Down at Holyrood, what do you see?
Parliament making laws to protect me
Down at Holyrood, what do you see?
I see decision makers looking after my rights.
In the debating chamber, what do you see?
Adults discussing education for me
In the debating chamber, what do you see?
Strong, sensible leaders, protecting me
In the debating chamber, what do you see?
Political party leaders asking questions for me.
Looking for integrity, what will I see?
One hundred and twenty-nine MSPs working for me
Looking for integrity, what will I see?
One hundred and twenty-nine MSPs being honest with me
Looking for integrity, what will I see?
One hundred and twenty-nine MSPs, reliable they’ll be.