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Primary 2 - Friday 19th June

Good morning boys and girls. It’s Friday again. One more week left until the end of term. Here are your tasks for this morning.


Log onto Sumdog and complete the Maths challenge set for you. Your challenge is based on all work you have completed this year in Primary 2. I will log on and see how you get on. Good luck.


Continue to count forwards and backwards starting from different numbers

Ask an adult to ask you which number comes before, after, between

Count in 2s, 5s and 10s

100 square and number line | Teaching Resources



Practice your tricky words with an adult as much a possible

Free writing Friday – write your own story or instructions, create your own poster or leaflet. The choice is yours…

Writing Pencil Clipart 19 Pencil Writing Black And - Clip Art ...

Email me photos of your work to


Have a great weekend. Stay safe. Mrs Reid

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