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Primary 3 - 16/6/20 PM

Good afternoon everyone

Music – from Mrs Keenan

Mrs Keenan has planned some Music activities to tie in with Health Week (/Fortnight!).  She would like you to join in with the following videos.

  1. 6 yoga poses that begin with the letter ‘s’.

2. Mindfulness for Children:


Topic – Food and Farming

Animals have different names for male (boys), female (girls) and their young (babies).  Look at this powerpoint that has lots of examples :

Farm Animals and their Young

Next, choose 3 animals to draw in your jotter.  Write down the word for the male, female and young next to your drawing.

Can you make a quiz for someone in your house about the different names?  Let me know how they get on!

Have a good afternoon,

Mrs Harding


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