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Primary 2 - Friday 5th June

Good morning – Friday again. The weeks are flying by now. Hope you  have had a great week and have enjoyed seeing more of your family and friends outdoors.


Write about seeing your friends and family again outdoors. Write about who you saw this week, where you were, what you did, how did it feel after so long? Draw a picture to match your story. Remember to use capital letters, full stops and fingers spaces. Try to use interesting vocabulary to describe your feelings.

Email me your stories to



Let’s recap on our 2D and 3D shapes. Watch these videos to remind you about these shapes.


Complete this task below in your jotter. Try to draw the shapes too. Here are a few hints below to help you

Faces – faces are the flat sides of a shape

Edges – edges are the straight lines (where two faces meet)

Vertices – are the corners of a shape (where two or more edges meet)

First Grade 2D and 3D Shapes Worksheets | Matematica elementari e ...

Complete this hunt around your house and garden. Your family can join in too if they can.

Free Printable Scavenger Hunt for Kids - Ideas - The Mum Educates

Have fun, Mrs Reid

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