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P1 Literacy and Science

Good morning everyone,

For Literacy this morning we are going to look at blending. Blending is what we do when we say all the sounds and form a word. For example,

c     a     t     if we blend these single sounds together we make the word cat.

There are some words we can’t blend. These words are often called tricky words, you are learning these on the word walls. Watch this short film on BBC Bitesize,

Can you try to blend some of these words,

Here is a fun blending game you can do with the playdough that you made at the beginning of the week.

As you say the sound for each letter squash the playdough. Once all the playdough is squashed try to say the word.

For Science today, we are going to investigate forces by making a paper helicopter. Watch the film to see how,

Once you have made your helicopter we would like you to test it. Remember, it has to be a fair test so make sure you are dropping it from the same height. Gravity is the force that is bringing it down to the ground. What happens when you change the size of the propellers? Which size works best? You might need to make a few helicopters to test.

Remember to send us pictures of your helicopters to,uk

Pop back later for more activities,

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton



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