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Primary 3 - 26/05/2020 PM

Good afternoon everyone!

Music –  from Mrs Keenan

Watch the following video about machines;

How many jobs can be done with the tractor?

This video shows you machines that can go on a tractor.



My 8 year old nephew suggested the boys and girls in my class might like to do a quiz, so here we go!  No cheating please! Write your answers down in your jotter or on a piece of paper. You could try it with your family and see who gets the most right answers   If you need the answers, email me and I will tell you ! Let me know how you all get on! (Thank you for the idea Andrew )

  1. What 3 colours make up the French flag?
  2. Which fairytale character slept for 100 years?
  3. What language is spoken in Australia?
  4. What sort of animal is the video game character Sonic?
  5. What is a baby cow called?
  6. What is the name of the snowman in Frozen?
  7. How many days are there in June?
  8. What do tadpoles turn into?
  9. What colour is a giraffe’s tongue?
  10. Where is the smallest bone in the human body?

Have fun!

Mrs Harding

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