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P1 Literacy and Music

Good morning Primary 1,

Hope you are all well and safe this morning.

For Literacy this morning we are going to revisit the sound j. What colour is this sound? That’s right it’s a green sound. Watch this film and think of things that begin with j.

Using the playdough you made yesterday, can you make some things that begin with j. In your jotter, draw 4 things that begin with j and name what you have drawn. Then using two of your j words write a simple sentence, for example:

I like to jump.

There is a j challenge on sumdog for you to complete and some activities on Education City.

Remember to send us pictures of anything you have done to

For Music this week we are listening to and thinking about some of our favourite songs. Listen to these songs. What are they about?

With a grown up’s help watch the Frozen song and try to answer some of the questions.

Pop back later for some more activities.

Mrs Melia and Miss Beaton




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