Primary 3 - 25/05/20 AM
Good morning everyone!
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend despite the stormy weather
To wake you all up this morning, try dancing along with this Go Noodle video:
In class we have learned about ‘magic e’ for spelling and reading. (The e at the end makes the first vowel sound strong – we hear the letter name rather than the sound.)
Watch this video to remind yourself:
- In your blue jotter I would like you to write down the 5 vowel sounds at the top. (a e i o u)
- Next write some 3 letter words that use each of the vowels as their middle sound. For example:
3. Can you add magic e to the words you have chosen? Some will make real words, others silly words! Write down the ones that make real words. For example:
hat ——> hate
sit ——-> site
tub ——–> tube
Repeat this until you have made a few magic e words successfully.
4. Use your words to practise writing sentences, remembering full stops and capital letters.
(Some children may find step 3 challenging, so focus instead on steps 1, 2 and 4.)
Maths – 2D Shape
Revise the properties of the shapes below by playing the game here:
If you continue through the levels in the game you will also revise 3D shapes which will be our focus tomorrow.
If you have difficulty accessing the above game, try this instead:
As always, any questions or work please email us at:
Mrs Harding