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Primary 3 - 19/05/20 PM

Good afternoon!


Our class topic this term was supposed to be Farming, so Mrs Keenan has planned some Music lessons linked to farming for you!

Click on the link below:

How many animals are in the first song?

Try and song along with the song.

The second song is about things that can be done by animals, but only if you can tell a lie!

Join in with the third song Old MacDonald had a farm.


Last week you did a 2D shape hunt.   Click into the presentation below.  What 2D shapes can you find in these paintings?  Look closely and list all the shapes you can see.

shape in art

This week I would like you to create a piece of art with 2D shapes so you can practise drawing the shapes. Be creative! You can create an abstract picture like the ones by Kandinsky, or you can make a picture of your choosing using 2D shapes.

Ask your parent/carer to send me a photo of your work as I would love to see them.

Have a creative afternoon!

Mrs Harding

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