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Primary 2 - Tuesday 19th May

Good morning boys and girls. Hope you had a good and safe long weekend. This is a new home learning grid with new activities for you to complete throughout the next few weeks

Home Learning grid May


Here are a few tasks for you to complete this morning.


Write a recount of your weekend news in your blue jotter. Remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Try to keep your handwriting lovely and neat.  Try to use some sentence openers such as –

At the weekend…

On Saturday…
Last night…

Draw a detailed picture to go with your news.

Clipart Pencil Cute

Send photos of your writing to



Watch this video to remind you of the coins


Try to find one of each coin in your house – you might need to ask your family. Try to make different amounts of money. Try to make amounts to 10p, 20p or 50p using different coins. If you can, try to make amounts to £1 and beyond.

Have fun, Mrs Reid.


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