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Primary 2 - Morning

Good morning Primary 2! I hope you are all well. Please let us know how you are getting on and you can post pictures as well to :

For Literacy, watch the following video about how bees make honey and then answer the questions below:


  • Why do bees make honey?
  • What is the main ingredient bees need to make honey?
  • Where can they find this ingredient?
  • Are worker bees male or female?
  • Where does the worker bee store this ingredient once it extracts it with its really long tongue?
  • How many times will a bee might have to visit a flower to fill itself up?
  • How does the ingredient gathered by a worker bee get thickened up into honey?
  • What does the last bee in the process do?
  • What shape is the wax honey comb in the bee hive? How many sides does this shape have?
  • Why do the bees create a wax lid over the honey comb cells?

Can you create a picture story board about how bees make honey? This is a series of pictures which goes through the process of how bees make honey step by step. Here is an animated video which may help:

Maths – Count backwards from 20

Count backwards from 100

Counting in 2’s

Counting in 10’s

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