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Primary 2 - Afternoon

How did you get on this morning? Leave a comment on this blog or email us at .

What a lovely day it is today! Have a look around outside, how many similes can you come up with. Remember, a simile is when you compare two different things by saying one is ‘like’ or ‘as’ something else.  For example:

The clouds are as fluffy as candy floss.

I have compared the clouds to candy floss.

Another example: The sequins on my t-shirt are like sparkling diamonds.

How many can you come up with?

Outside Bingo – Explore your surroundings or when you go for a daily walk, look out for these things on the list. Even try and find the impossible!


Spelling – Pick 5 words from your word wall that you don’t know very well.  Try writing them in something messy like flour, foam, mud etc.

Enjoy the sunshine!


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