Primary 2 - Morning
Good Morning P2! I hope you had a lovely couple of days off!
Mrs Reid and I would love to hear from you. We would love to hear about the work you are doing and even see some pictures! We have a Primary 2 email which you can use to send us your pictures and tell us how you are doing:
We look forward to hearing from you.
Can you exercise for 30 mins? Can you feel your heart beating faster? Follow Joe Wicks on You Tube:
or if you want something a bit more relaxing, here is Cosmic Yoga for you to try:
For Literacy today, we are going to look at similes. Watch this video:
Here is a picture of a bear. What can you compare the bear and features of the bear LIKE or AS to? Can you think of at least three similes and write them down? Will you be AS busy AS bee in this task?