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Primary 1 Maths and Healthy Eating Topic

Good afternoon boys and girls!

I hope you have had a lovely morning.

Try counting forwards and backwards with Jack Hartmann today using the video below

This afternoon for maths when you are on your daily walk take a piece of paper and a pen or pencil with you. Can you write down all the different numbers you spot? Here are a few things you could look out for registration plates, house numbers, street signs.


For our healthy eating topic we would like you to talk to someone at home about the kinds of foods you would eat together e.g. cereal and milk, fish and chips, mince and tatties. Draw some of these foods in your jotter or on a piece of paper. Draw pictures of foods that do not go together e.g. mash and spaghetti, pickles and ice-cream.

Have a lovely afternoon

Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia

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