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Primary 2 - It's Friday!

Good morning boys and girls, another week of home learning is almost complete. This morning I would like you to practice your number bonds to 10. Complete the activity below in your jotter.


Worksheet: Number Bonds (Numbers to 10)



If you managed this, try the task below in your jotter for an extra challenge!

Idea 263: FREE Differentiated Number Bonds to 20 Challenge Sheets ...



Read a book that you have at home with a member of your family. Try to answer these questions about the book you have just read.

  1. Who was your favourite character and why?
  2. Where did the story take place? How do you know?
  3. When did the story take place? What tells you this?
  4. How did the book begin?
  5. What is the book about?
  6. What was your favourite part of the story and why?

In your jotter, draw three different things that happening in your story (events). Try to write a sentence to describe your pictures. Remember capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Have a lovely weekend. Remember to stay safe at home and to wear sun cream if the weather stays sunny. Enjoy and speak to you on Monday. Mrs Reid!

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