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Primary 2 - Morning

Good Morning Primary 2! I hope you had fun and are all energised after Joe Wicks!

Your Writing Task for today:

Write about your favourite day during the Easter holiday. Did you go on an Easter Egg hunt? Who did you go with, what happened, where were you, did you have clues, did you have an adventure finding the egg, did something funny happen?

Or were you surprised with a chocolate egg? Who gave it and when? Describe the packaging, the shape, colour, size and texture. Could you smell the chocolate? How did it taste? What sound did the chocolate make when you broke it?

Use an exclamation mark ! in your writing to express excitement or surprise.

Have 3 paragraphs to your story.  A Start, Middle and End. Remember finger spaces, use connectives and an exclamation mark.

Happy writing!

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