Primary 1 Maths/ Healthy eating.
Good afternoon Primary 1.
I hope you have had a nice busy morning.
For maths today, Why not exercise with Jack Hartmann and practise counting to 100. Remember to keep counting even when you are doing the exercise!
Today we are going to focus on 2D shapes. Have a look a this powerpoint to remind yourself of the shapes. We have looked at in class. Once you have done that I have set you a challenge on SUMDOG for you to practise your 2D shapes. Lets see how many you can remember.
Health and Wellbeing – keeping healthy
Today for our keeping healthy topic we would like to you look at the eat well plate and discuss with someone in your house about how to have a balanced diet. What should you be eating more of? What should you be eating less of? Click the link below where you will find the eat well plate PowerPoint.
Have a lovely afternoon
Miss Beaton and Mrs Melia